Exterior Drainage and Your Foundation

A lot of houses suffer from the issues of poor drainage in their exterior, which is damaging the foundation’s structural integrity. As a matter of fact, this problem can stem from different potential sources and the truth is that repairing it as early as possible is...

Things to Do About Woodpecker Damage on Tree

The connection that birds have with our trees could be extremely beautiful, whether it is a hummingbird fluttering around the flowers or a robin floating in the canopy.   However, it can also get worse. One type of bird that really loves trees is woodpeckers. These...

How Does Water Enter Your Basement?

Have you ever visited your basement and noticed that it is musty and damp? You might even see small rivers or puddles on the floor. However, how does water enter your basement?   For those who don’t know, water prefers to follow the path of least resistance. It also...